Saturday, September 13, 2008

From Asante

So this is an update about me, Asante Samuel Malloy. My momma calls me Asante Sana a lot, and I hear “Asante!” being yelled all the time because it means “thank you” here in Kenya.
Here are a couple pics that mom took of me:
Here I’m sleeping, something I’ve done more of since I’ve gotten here. I normally take a short nap in the morning and then a longer one after lunch, and sometimes even a short one right before dinner!….

Here’s I am playing with some twine that dad gave me after he used to make a thingy for the mosquito net to go up into the air when mom and dad aren’t in bed…

And here I am playing with some of my friends. They’re really nice. They don’t come over as much now though, because they are all in school…

I am starting school on Monday at Pistis School right by my house. I get to go in the mornings 3 times per week for a few hours. I will be the youngest in my class, but they are very excited to have me there. I’m excited to be there as well because now I get to play with other kids and with some different toys!

I’m also learning some about language…I’m able to imitate my mom and dad when they say “baba” and “mama” and “papa” and “fafa”. I also like to copy my mom when she says “up” and “down” when my momma throws the ball up and down. I’m getting pretty good at saying “up.” I can also say “moo” when I’m playing with my toy cow.

I’m feeling more brave about walking around on the furniture. I’m not quite ready to walk by myself yet, but I’ll get there one day. Sometimes I stand by myself when I don’t realize it. But then mom or dad says, “Asante! You’re standing by yourself!” Then I get scared and grab on to something.

I also love to make my funny face all the time. And I clap a lot now. Mostly when I’m happy, but sometimes when I’m mad at mommy too.

And yesterday I ate a tortilla and some taco meat and drank from a sippee cup at our friend’s house. It was so tasty. I felt like a big boy.

P.S. Dad told me to say that he has some video coming soon!


Anonymous said...

Asante, you are ridiculously cute! Glad to hear about your new words and big boy activity!

Anonymous said...

Asante, you're so awesome. I'm glad that you're meeting all kinds of new friends. (Sorry Sarah and I or Henry and Meredith didn't give you any friends while you were here ;-). P.S. Could you ask your Mom and Dad if they have a Skype account set up yet, and if so, what they're name is? Thanks!

Denise said...

Asante sana for the pics & news! (smile) Ninakupenda. If that's not right -- I love you! Can't wait to hear how school goes & see the video. I want to hear your voice again.

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work buddy. you'll be walking in no time!

then we can teach you to drive when you get back :D

and once you learn to read at school, i've got some great book recommendations for you.

Christine said...

what a handsome young man you are becoming! wow! you all seem to be doing soo well over there. tell mommy that doug and i hope her homesickness is getting less and less every day she is spending with you and daddy in kenya. i still have a very special package for mommy and for asante (sorry jake!) so mommy needs to give me her address :) loves you!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Kenya. I pray that your stay will grow sweeter by the day. Take those challenges & culture shocks as adventures. after all, what is Africa without adventure! Good to know that you are a follower of Christ so I again welcome you to Kenya's fellowship of believers. God Bless