Friday, January 30, 2009

Catching Up II (or is it III)?


In addition to starting classes, Jake has also started helping out of the NEGST fundraising team, who is responsible for brainstorming ways to help promote NEGST both in Africa and abroad. He’s been working mostly on website stuff. It’s been fun to brainstorm—since this is very similar to what I just sat in on during my past year at the BSU. A team of Americans are visiting NEGST this past week and this week—they are helping a lot with website stuff too, as well as teaching various computer skills to both children and adults on campus. I think they’re also doing an after-school VBS.

Starting school

For those of you who haven’t heard, I’ll be starting Asbury in the fall! I’m not exactly sure how many classes I’ll be taking. In theory, I have 7 years to finish the degree once I begin in. The pace will be contingent on our finances at any given point, along with how much time I feel like I can dedicate to it while staying at home with 2 kids all day! I’m excited to be beginning. I’ll be pursing my M.A. in Christian Leadership.

Bible Study

For the past semester or so, I’ve been attending a ladies Bible study on campus on Fridays. It’s made up mostly of the wives of male students on campus. We’ve been studying through the book of John; I’ve really enjoyed getting to know everyone better through this.

Praying for the simple things

As some of you may have heard, Kenya has been experiencing quite a dry spell. In some places it’s even been called a drought. Farmers are having a hard time growing food, which makes food a bit more expensive. Last week, however, it rained for parts of 2 days! It was great! Apparently everyone was surprised that it could rain in January. Praise God though, it really has been an answer to prayer- we even prayed about it for a good amount of time in our church service the Sunday before it rained. Since I’ve been here, I’ve found myself praying for simple things more often…

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