Thursday, July 24, 2008

update on packing

This afternoon has been one of organizing papers. Like 2 hours of it. Who has that much paper to look through? Apparently we do. It doesn't help that one of my strengths, according to Strengthsfinder 2.0, is Input. Input people LOVE to collect things- anything really- that they think will be useful for someone else sometime in the future. You can imagine what that looks like, lol. I want to learn how to do that electronically instead of with paper. I'd save a ton of trees.

Only 3 days until my parents come to take as much stuff as they have room for home. We have a lot of boxes; I hope we can find room for it all. It's amazing how much stuff we still have despite giving away and selling so much.


Sarah said...

I'm glad everything worked out on Sunday. Sorry we couldn't be there to help you load up the vehicles. Can't wait for you guys to "live" with us for a few days!

Abby Lynn said...

Cute picture!! Also, I started a new personal blog, in case you want to check it out:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you have this blog! I'm looking forward to seeing updates. Praying for you.